C&R Capital


C&R Capital

Our investment strategy is based on careful analysis of key factors that are indicative of long-term success. We look for businesses that display strong growth potential, have visionary and dynamic leadership teams, offer innovative and compelling products or services, have solid financial metrics and demonstrate a clear path to profitability. 


We are looking to work with SaaS software companies that are experiencing growth and all the challenges that go with it.

Strong Entrepreneurial Leadership

We work with talented and driven entrepreneurs who have a track record of success and a compelling vision for their business.

Compelling Product

Are your customers raving about your product on social media? Does your product(s) address a large market need. We are looking for companies that have a big addressable market and are meeting the market needs with a SaaS product platform.

Financial Metrics

Our typical investment is in companies who have $300k – $500k in ARR and are looking to double their ARR in the next three years.